Thursday, February 22, 2007

Megalomaniacal Leisure Hour

It's a rush.

I'm staring over the tops of my sixteen-man army at a patchwork 64-square landscape. I haven't moved a muscle but already my adrenaline is flowing. This battle now brewing will be a disgusting,vulgar display of heart, mettle, courage, ingenuity and power. I can feel my enemy's submission in the back of my jaw. A wry, Grinch-like smile slowly takes hold of my face. Like an ebbing tide exposing the nude beach, this game has revealed my base, competitive instinct. Kill or be killed. You will surrender to me.

I haven't played in some time. But the thought of the countless hours I spent in study makes me gleeful. The physical responses my body became conditioned to while pouring over positions have not languished over the years. Images of a warm cup of coffee and thick smoke dancing in front of my eyes lead to a desire for a reenactment. The fact that I haven't smoked in a year does nothing to slow the impulse, and there is a slight sense of disappointment at the recognition that the urge will not be satisfied. Me, a book, a board, a notebook, and a lit cigarette burning discreetly off to one side was just too common an occurence to shake off so easily.

It's still a rush. The nervous anticipation of it all. Who will emerge victorious? What devious plans will be set in motion and how will they be met? A seemingly infinite number of possibilities exist. I wonder if I will be able to execute. I wonder at what point will my opponent's logic begin to fail him. When will he make that final, fatal mistake? Will I be merciful? Will he admit futility? Oh, to think! Perchance to dream!

I sit perched above my men like an omnipotent warlord. Every offensive thrust strikes like thunder, as though God's fist came crashing down into the center of the playing field. Every piece taken empowers me, until I am drunk from it.

I'm glad I have come back to this place. I love chess, and I hate to lose.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Old Barber Pole

It was Sunday morning just after a shower and I was standing in the bathroom drying off the last drops of water. I gazed into the mirror and did not like what I saw; tufts of brown hair jutting out from the sides of my head like haphazard thatch roofing. Ears that were once plainly visible and free of clutter were buried beneath relentless overgrowth. What was once an easily maintained venture was rapidly becoming an unmanageable mop. And I hated it. I like being trimmed and sleek. I don't want messy. I have outgrown my desires for a more slovenly, less 'interested in what everyone else thinks' appearance. I needed my haircut, damn it. Daddy needs to look good for the cameras. It was time to pay a visit to the barbershop.

The male excursion to the barbershop is an event that is drastically under appreciated by the majority of society. You would think this impossible, given that males are quite close to being the majority - I think we're only down a couple of points to women - in society, and even if we aren't, most of the time what we say goes. I'm not making any judgements on the degree to which our society is dominated by men, I'm just saying that this particular facet of our existence doesn't get talked about nearly enough. When it comes down to it, a trip to the barber is often as frightening, if not more so, than a trip to the dentist. It seems impossible, but let's consider what's at stake here. Every time we sit in that elevating chair we put the future of our social prowess in the hands of what is often a complete stranger. One false move on the part of an unsteady hand armed with sharp instruments could mean a month of shame and embarrassment. A chunk here or a piece there and you've won a ticket to a month of hat-wearing explanations or worse, having to wipe the slate clean and go home with your own brand of military flair. If the dentist screws up it might be painful, but it's a hell of a lot easier to hide a busted grill.

This seemingly innocuous problem is compounded by the fact that it is nearly impossible to describe how your hair should look. This isn't like walking into a Mexican restaurant and saying, "I'll have the #15, no refried beans." This is walking back into the kitchen and telling the chef that you're 'kinda' hungry but you don't know what you want to eat. Men, as any woman will tell you, are notoriously aloof when it comes to the subject of appearances. It would be a monumental struggle to recollect what we wore last week, let alone tell you what kind of shape the accessory that is physically and genetically attached to our bodies looked like. And yet despite this well-known shortcoming we're supposed to paint a clear picture of the future state for someone for whom we don't even have a last name or reference. What makes this an even more harrowing experience is that as little as we know about the person with the scissors, they know even less about us. Recognizing the state of disarray in which this social arrangement lay, years ago men worldwide commenced operations to take the power back and remove the fear from the equation.

In an effort to solve a problem that surely has existed for millennia (pretty sure I remember hearing something about Judas complaining to Simon about a bad haircut in one the scriptures), men universally have adopted one of four strategies. Here they are for your convenience. Knowledge is power.

The first and most popular strategy is to go to one barbershop exclusively and wait until your hair can be cut by one man and one man only. Inevitably it is the owner of the barbershop. And his father cut your father's hair. And his grandfather cut your grandfather's hair, etc. All of this serves as further evidence of how serious men take their manes in addition to just how much they fear going to the barbershop. It takes decades to establish this sort of trust. It doesn't matter if the shop is closed, if the barber is on vacation, or if the entire community has contracted cholera. This strategy does not permit anyone to touch what is arguably the most important work in progress any man has in his lifetime.

The second strategy is one of the most recent and is taken straight from the pages of Cosmo. Increasing numbers of men are eschewing the old-school barber shop for the hip modern stylist. Men employing this strategy are coming to terms with the fact that they just can't trust someone with a mullet to give their haircut a good, honest chance at being something other than a mullet. Rather, this younger generation is paying whatever they need to ensure a high-quality coif. And it is not cheap. Men are closing the gap on women in terms of what they are willing to pay for a 'styling.' That's how much this cut costs. Not only are you paying for the cut, but you're also paying for the ability to refer to it as something less blue-collar than 'haircut.' It's hard to say which costs more, the cut or the attitude.

Third in our list is the hybrid between the stylist and the traditional barbershop. Bringing in a photo of what you want to a traditional barbershop. Rather than rely strictly on powers of description, previously described in this piece as lax at best, men are pouring through magazines and clipping out pictures of their favorite celebrity do's in an attempt to visually reinforce what they struggle to communicate orally. An anthropologist studying the practice of getting one's hair cut would likely note that it is used the least out of all of these methods. Not only does it require men to peruse fashion and celebrity gossip magazines for a reason other than killing time on the john with the only reading material available, but it also requires them to admit weakness. For those of you just joining the human race, these are two things that populate the bottom of the "Things Men Do Frequently" list. I personally have never seen it done, though I have heard tales of such wayward goings on.

Finally, we have the nuclear option. There are men in this world who have seen the folly of the above. They have put their time in and they have paid their dues. They have seen success and failure; they have seen the game played out again and again. These men want no further part in any of it. They are bald. Either they do it themselves with a set of clippers and razors, or they pay someone to do it for them. It's either skin-tight or barely there, but it is uniform all the way around. There is no deviation, no improvisation. There is style only as minimalism has and is style. Simply put, these men are done screwing around. And before we mock their simplicity, let us consider this. They are rarely disappointed.

Anyone who chooses not to follow these prescribed strategies is simply rolling the dice. Which is where I found myself later that sunny Sunday afternoon as I piloted my way towards the barbershop. As I got closer, I found myself driving more slowly. I began mentally rehearsing what I would tell the barber. I found myself trying out adjectives and rejecting them if they were too ambiguous or vague. I even turned the radio off to focus all of my mental energies not devoted to driving. I parked the car and when I had decided on what my monologue was going to be, got out and started walking towards the door.

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
I got back in the car and headed to Barnes & Noble for a copy of Us Weekly.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Live from Miami, it's Super Bowl XLI

We’re live from sunny Miami, Florida! Hello and welcome to Super Bowl XLI between the Indianapolis Colts and Marshall’s Thundering Herd….uh, I mean, the Chicago Bears captained by the unflappable Rex Grossman!

Ok, enough funny business. The Super Bowl is such a big event; you have to write about it at least twice. Ask any professional writer and they’ll tell you the same thing. Not that I would know. No one is paying me even a dime to do all of this, but when I thought about doing a running diary, not even an army of Brian Urlachers could have stopped me from grabbing my pen, pad and a Captain and Diet, who, incidentally is this diary’s sponsor! Uh, Captain Morgan, not Brian Urlacher.

6:21 The Chicago Bears have won the toss and have elected to receive. Phil Simms comments on how it is advantageous for the team that has never been to the big one to play defense first. This would have been a more useful insight if one of the teams playing tonight had been to the Super Bowl any time within the last 20 years. Thanks Phil. Looking forward to your contribution tonight.

6:27 And the kickoff…Holy Shit! Devin Hester really just ran back the opening kickoff!!! Super Bowl XLI is on! And all of this comes after Phil Simms’ little diatribe. Now not only is Indy not going to play defense first. Their offense starts in a seven point hole. Let’s see how this pans out.

6:32 This crowd is overly loud in favor of the Bears. Chicago must’ve gotten a group rate on the hotels this week. And we have just witnessed the 2nd near pick of Peyton in two plays.

6:34 Interception!!! Charles Harris! Chicago ball. And the Peyton Manning face makes it’s Super Bowl debut! (for those who don’t know about the Peyton Manning face, please refer to’s page 2 staple Bill Simmons for an explanation)

6:35 Ok, first real commercial of the Super Bowl. Bud Light’s ‘Paper, Rock, Scissors’ ad. Not bad. Kind of like losing your virginity, entertaining, interesting, but over too quickly to really know what to think.

6:38 Ball bounces off an Indy cornerback’s head. Dang!

6:39 Sierra Mist free officially declares war on Sprite with the beard comb-over, daisy-duke cutoff shorts, roller blade trifecta!!! Oh my god. The bar has been set, Bud Light!

6:43 Rain is coming down harder in Miami. This favors the Colts because even though they are a finesse team, the Bears are sloppier than Tara Reid after a night out in Mallorca. Anything beyond perfect playing conditions is just going to push them over the edge.

6:46 Manning to an encumbered Reggie Wayne, Touchdown!!! Peyton doesn’t even pump a fist. He either just threw up in his mouth a little, or he is focused. Either way, Indy is rejoicing.

6:47 Smith bobbles the snap for Vinatieri, 7-6 Chicago! Mistakes are mounting quickly.

6:49 Bud Light’s 2nd attempt: Wedding Auctioneer ad. Brilliant! Man-centric advertising for beer? Who would’ve thought it could work?

6:50 Hagler(?) fumbles the kickoff! Indy recovers!!! Special teams are the story of the first quarter!

6:51 Fumble! Bears Recover!!! Amend previous statement to reflect turnovers are story of the first quarter.

6:52 T. Jones goes 52 yards down to the Indy 7! Wow. Thank god A. I’m drinking and B. My team isn’t playing like this.

6:54 Touchdown! Moose Muhammad!!! Nice grab over the helmets of the Indy defenders. But I guess you can do that when you’re 6’ 30”.

6:56 Snickers turns in the homophobic plank in its campaign. Funny, but stomach turning. More stomach turning than funny. Ripping out chest hair is manly? No, ripping out chest hair is stupid. Not putting your lips on the same candy bar another dude has his lips on is manly.

6:59 Touchdown! Bud Light!!! Carlos Mencia’s “No Speak English” ad is the commercial of the evening and it’s not even the second quarter!

7:01 Indy punt. Seems like it would just be smarter to roll the ball out of bounds than to send it to Devin Hester again.

7:04 Chicago fumbles! Indy recovers!!! 4 turnovers in the first quarter alone. I hope this is what the “I just want a good game” crowd had in mind.

7:08 Chicago whistled for encroachment. I haven’t seen such a blatant neutral zone infraction since New York assaulted Krazy at the hot tub during the family visit episode of Flava of Love 2.

7:11 Cedric walks off the field under his own power after being down for a few minutes. U.S. Geological Survey reports compression wave formed by Chicago-ans breathing a collective sigh of relief.

7:14 Nantz and Simms spend a brief minute talking shit about the cast of Rules of Engagement (“If that show were a hit already, they’d be in a suite!”). Nantz and Simms spend the next two minutes backpedaling and sharing happy memories about watching games from the stands after realizing that they work for the same network the show appears on. Good stuff!

7:22 Vinatieri FG. Good. He could be reading an newspaper and kicking at the same time and it would still be good. Networks are losing valuable ad time by not cutting to commercial when he’s up to bat.

7:26 Indy kickoff and Hester is mysteriously not on the return team. Possible sub-plot brewing here. Nantz notes that Hester is standing on the sidelines and looks fine.

7:30 So, the target audience of mostly naked white guys washing a Chevy at an intersection is supposed to be? Gay men or black women? Becoming increasingly disgruntled with the quality of the commercials this year.

7:34 Indy Touchdown! Dungy decides to go for one; good decision. Still plenty of football left to play. READER’S NOTE: It is at this point that I start to become kind of drunk. If the quality or detail of the running record starts to slip from here, I apologize. Blame the Captain.

7:36 Bud Light is up again. Slapping another man’s face is the new fist bump. I like it! I’m not trying it out at work though. If not for Mencia’s ad, this would definitely be the frontrunner so far. Amazing sound effects!

7:44 Can the Colt’s really get away with running cheap isolation routes all evening? I mean, they’ve been doing this all season. This had to show up on Chicago’s game film at some point, right? Surely Lovie Smith didn’t make the mistake of saying, “Oh, since they do that all the time, they’re not going to do it in the Super Bowl!” did he?

7:46 After a brief discussion among the house-mates, it looks like we’re going to see “Wild Hogs” despite its high (HIGH) likelihood of failure. It could just be crazy enough to work…I guess.

7:47 Two minutes remain in the 1st half and neither side has yet to use a time-out. Fear of fumbling?

7:49 Fear of fumbling should have struck sooner! Indy fumble, Bears recover! That’s a 3-2 turnover margin in Chicago’s favor.

7:50 Grossman fumbles! Indy recovers!!! We are now living in a world where the conference champions in the national football league combine for six fumbles in thirty minutes of play. Turnover balance restored to zero. Belichik watching the game from somewhere in New England shoots an assistant without a single emotion.

7:52 This game so far feels like it’s being played absent any real direction from the sidelines. Like Tony and Lovie pulled a Ty Webb and told their teams, “Ok, let’s think about our game plan”, stared into the air silently for several moments before asking, “Got it?”

7:56 Vinatieri comes out for a FG try. CBS wisely cuts to a com…wait. What’s this? They’re going to show the FG? Oh, how old school. Ok, I’ll play along. The snap…the kick…it’s go-huh!?!? He missed??? Scientists immediately rush the field and power down Vinatieri before carting him off the field to work on any damaged circuits before the 2nd half begins.


To be completely truthful, I never really followed Prince all that much. I knew his hits. I could hum out the melodies, even though I never really knew all of the words nor put any effort into learning them. I always thought he was on that strange plane of entertainers, the one inhabited by David Bowie and Annie Lennox and Frank Zappa before them. They were unarguably cool, but exactly why was never going to be nailed down. Prince was their contemporary mostly because he was sexy as hell(?), but he also made some pretty kick-ass records. Despite all of this, I questioned his performing at the Super Bowl. The fact of the matter is that Prince enjoys his place in American Pop music largely due to the fact that American women and gay American men view him as irrepressibly sexy. Most straight American men do not share this belief. It should be noted that the vast majority of the NFL audience consists of straight American men. Therefore, Prince would not be playing to his audience by playing the Super Bowl, and the audience at the Super Bowl would rather watch someone else. The only reason that having Prince perform made any sort of sense to me was that the Super Bowl is a once a year, larger than life event. It needs a larger than life performer to reinforce that image in the minds of its viewers. So how did these two diametrically opposed points play out? Well, after watching the Halftime Show – something I rarely do – I have no doubt in my mind that Prince absolutely should have played the Super Bowl. Not only should he have played, Prince deserves every accolade ever heaped upon him. Let’s break it down:

1. Musicianship – Prince is a very good guitar player, an evaluation only taken to new heights by the fact that he was performing in a downpour playing what looked like an octopus. He can play sharp rhythms; he can smoke as a soloist. He is quite simply awesome.
2. Stage Presence – Are you fucking kidding me? He’s Prince. He is larger than life, irresistible to women, and his legend grows daily. You’re telling me he’s NOT going to absolutely own a stage being viewed by approximately 1/7th of the population of Earth? There were probably a dozen dancers, several musicians, and any number of stagehands in the sightline and still while watching it Prince seemed like he was the only one up there. That is stage presence.
3. Act – Prince performing in the rain (especially poignant for ‘Purple Rain’ which just about brought the house down), with a dozen dancers, a marching band which was just a stroke of genius and blended very well with the performance, and a phallic-shaped guitar played behind an illuminated sheet that ultimately cast an even more phallic shadow. Oh, and did I mention he played ‘Purple Rain’ to close it out? This would’ve have been a great show anywhere.

8:30 Ok, enough of this pageantry bullshit, let’s play some football!

8:33 Indy receives the kickoff without incident. On the ensuing series, Indy continues to run that same little dump play they’ve been using all season. They are winning the war on paper so far. This game has been way to sloppy to concede any sort of victory however

8:38 Tony challenges the number of Bears on the field. This challenge reeks of desperation. I can’t see Belichik throwing this flag under nearly any circumstance. Predictably, he loses.

8:39 Not a terrible drive results in a Vinatieri FG. Scientists seen high-fiving on the sidelines.

8:42 Can Devin Hester run one back in heavy rain? Negative. Vinatieri kicks one to the middle of the receiving unit.

8:46 Rain + Good Pass Rush = SACK!

8:47 Rain + Rex Grossman playing quarterback = FUMBLEAYAH!!! Grossman recovers just in time to be sacked!

8:54 Following a decent Indy punt return and series of long-ish plays, Indy is back in FG range. Time to take the new, improved, water-resistant Vinatieri for a spin.

8:55 Following a scary flag moment for Indy, Vinatieri FG good!

8:56 GOULET!!! A handful of Emerald Nuts a day keeps Robert Goulet away. Like you’d want to.

8:59 Well said, Mr. Turkeyneck. Thank you FedEx for taking one of my family’s favorite phrases global.

9:00 Long awaited K-Fed ad did not disappoint, though I wish we hadn’t known it was coming. Because of all the press, it was kind of like finally getting to sleep with Britney and finding it not as satisfying because you knew it was coming and everyone else had already seen or heard about it. I mean, you still shag her rotten, but you know what I’m getting at.

9:04 Gould hits a slight fade, followed by a chili-dipper, followed by a slight draw and makes the FG by about 5 feet above the crossbar. Bear in mind this is the same kicker that had not one but two field goals taken out of play by the hand of God. I wish all field goals were this adventurous.

9:06 Dallas Clark makes an unbelievable grab out of bounds. I don’t think the Colts’ receivers actually care whether or not they’re in or out. They just want to make amazing catches. Those are the guys you want playing for you.

9:10 Marvin Harrison will go to the Hall of Fame. Another amazing catch from a receiving corps that prides themselves on making amazing catches.

9:11 Why waste any time/money/energy advertising the Masters’ now? This event sells itself out every single year. That was a wasted opportunity to make a quick $250k.

9:19 Max Hedrom should announce any replay in Super Vision Voice (SOOOOOPEERRRR VISSSSSIOOONNN!)

9:21 Grossman relies on years of training and professional experience and heaves one downfield into a group of defenders. PICK! Hayden run-back for a Touchdown!!! This game is essentially over. Peyton is starting to breathe. Further review confirms that Peyton, is in fact, breathing.

9:30 Grossman throws up another egg. Sanders on the inevitable PICK!!! Game really over now.

9:34 Peyton makes improbable return to the field. Forget that. Get Jim Sorgi in there and have him just hand the ball off to Jeff Saturday over and over again.

9:35 Flomax should be changed to Lespissn. Thanks, Dad!

9:39ish and this is where I stopped the diary for a variety of reasons. One, the remainder of the game/post-game was going to be just too predictable to make interesting reading later. Dungy was getting the Gatorade bath, Tony and Lovie were going to spend a little too much time well-wishing at midfield. Peyton was going to win the MVP. Someone on the Bears was going to be quoted as saying that they’d be back next year. Someone on the Colts would decline to comment on next year claiming that they’d really just like to enjoy the moment. And not least of all. I was pretty drunk and needed to get moving if I was going to make the post- Super Bowl party at my buddy’s house. Hey, as dedicated as I am to the craft, I’m not missing the last of what was sure to be an incredible flank steak. Well, until next year…Happy off season and I’ll see you in April for Opening Day with the Red Sox!!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The remains of the day

It has been a day of low activity and high anxiety. The depth of the workload swells as its sister anticipation dissipates. They are locked, two points plucking the same mathematical string and meeting each other's vibrations amply. They are indirectly proportional entities. They are driving me crazy.

Though I would have the reader believe I would rather be doing anything but earning my keep, the truth of the matter is that while at work I much prefer to work. Goofing off, or "sitting on my ass not doing anything" sounds appealing, but due to a complex system of guilt that has been instilled at birth and cultivated over time by a close-knit family and an orthodox Catholic upbringing I lack the ability to wantonly cruise the Internet free from the bondage of my morality. Or, perhaps more likely, I'm just too damn afraid of being caught.

And yet, in spite of a felt obligation to advance my company further along the road to profitability and continued reinforcement of the same by my code of ethics, here I am blogging it up to the world. I would appear to be more satisfied by discussing the problem openly than by solving it. This is an interesting revelation, indeed. Could it be true? Could I really have arrived at the "shit or get off the pot" moment for the day? Convenient, then, that I go home in little less than a half an hour. Pour the wine, mates, the day is nearly done!

Monday, February 5, 2007


It's 4:27 and my mind has begun to wander from work to want. To be honest, from where it has wandered is unclear as it had been wandering for some time. Is it possible, perhaps to wander where one has wandered once before? One thing is certain, alliteration is fun.

It wanders to a beautiful rocks glass, brilliantly orange and moist with condensation. I am thinking of something that is cold to the touch but warm to the tongue. It feels like heaven, it smells like space and it sounds like I'm getting drunk. Hooray!

See you at A.C.'s.